What to Know

During conflict men, compared to women, appear to experience more physiological flooding that takes longer to dissipate; that is, men show stronger signs of negative physiological arousal for longer periods and tend to be more aware of their body’s “fight” versus “flight” orientation.

The impact of such physiological reactions may be substantial. Negative conflict behavior such as hostility and criticism in marriages is associated with indicators of poorer health, especially among individuals who are predisposed toward hostility. Research indicates that “negativity (such as criticism, interruption, blaming, or withdrawal) during conflict is associated with pronounced cardiovascular reactivity” and diminished immune response, especially among men.

Cupach, William R.; Canary, Daniel J.; Spitzberg, Brian H.. Competence in Interpersonal Conflict (Page 99). Waveland Pr Inc. Kindle Edition.

Cupach, Canary, Spitzberg, 2010, p.99)

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